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150 White Roses Bouquet

150 White Roses Bouquet


Explore our most beautiful flowers! Manufacturer: Gift Oasis. 150 White roses, eucalyptus leaves bouquet tied with cream ribbon in a glass vase. At Gift Oasis, we’re committed to delivering the finest handpicked gifts in Dubai to create unforgettable moments. Our passion for quality and attention to detail ensures that each offering, from exquisite flowers to gourmet chocolates, leaves a lasting impression. With a wide array of options for every occasion, our luxurious and personalised gifts are sure to delight and inspire. Embrace the beauty of blooms, explore their meanings, and let flowers become the delicate yet powerful messengers of your heartfelt intentions, making every occasion a bit more special and meaningful.

0 Руб.

150 Pink Roses Bouquet

150 Pink Roses Bouquet


Explore our most beautiful flowers! Manufacturer: Gift Oasis. 150 Pink roses, eucalyptus leaves bouquet tied with brown ribbon in a glass vase. At Gift Oasis, we’re committed to delivering the finest handpicked gifts in Dubai to create unforgettable moments. Our passion for quality and attention to detail ensures that each offering, from exquisite flowers to gourmet chocolates, leaves a lasting impression. With a wide array of options for every occasion, our luxurious and personalised gifts are sure to delight and inspire. Embrace the beauty of blooms, explore their meanings, and let flowers become the delicate yet powerful messengers of your heartfelt intentions, making every occasion a bit more special and meaningful.

0 Руб.

Lavender Vase Pop Up Card

Lavender Vase Pop Up Card


Creating a lavender vase pop-up card is a delightful way to celebrate a special occasion, especially if the recipient loves flowers and lavender. Your lavender vase pop-up card is now ready to bring the recipient a touch of floral beauty and charm on their special day. Its a creative and thoughtful way to celebrate their birthday. The Lavender pop-up card is the most majestic of them all. Its white cover is simple yet elegant, with green, feathery, laser-cut leaves and purple flowers. We watched as the card was revealed and “delighted” is the right word. A stunning 3D lavender vase set in the center of a green background and adorned with a lavender bouquet is like no other.

0 Руб.

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