асварищ м мальтийский мундир в россии и европе xviii–xix вв maltese uniforms in russia and europe in the 18th and 19th centuries

Асварищ М. Мальтийский мундир в России и Европе: XVIII–XIX вв. / Maltese Uniforms in Russia and Europe in the 18TH and 19TH Centuries

Асварищ М. Мальтийский мундир в России и Европе: XVIII–XIX вв. / Maltese Uniforms in Russia and Europe in the 18TH and 19TH Centuries


Монография посвящена истории орденского платья двух российских приорств ордена Св. Иоанна Иерусалимского (1797–1810), а также бытованию мальтийского мундира в Российской империи после 1810 г. На основании архивных документов, портретов, сохранившихся мундиров впервые в историографии детально прослеживаются многочисленные изменения, вносившиеся Павлом I и Александром I в платье, назначенное различным орденским чинам. В книге дан пространный обзор мальтийских мундиров различных языков и приорств ордена Св. Иоанна Иерусалимского, а также неканонических орденов иоаннитов в Пруссии, Англии и Испании с 1770-х гг. по конец XIX в. Издание проиллюстрировано значительным числом исторических портретов, фотографий мундиров и элементов орденской экипировки.

6980 Руб.

Асварищ М. Мальтийский мундир в России и Европе: XVIII–XIX вв. / Maltese Uniforms in Russia and Europe in the 18TH and 19TH Centuries

Асварищ М. Мальтийский мундир в России и Европе: XVIII–XIX вв. / Maltese Uniforms in Russia and Europe in the 18TH and 19TH Centuries


Монография посвящена истории орденского платья двух российских приорств ордена Св. Иоанна Иерусалимского (1797–1810), а также бытованию мальтийского мундира в Российской империи после 1810 г. На основании архивных документов, портретов, сохранившихся мундиров впервые в историографии детально прослеживаются многочисленные изменения, вносившиеся Павлом I и Александром I в платье, назначенное различным орденским чинам. В книге дан пространный обзор мальтийских мундиров различных языков и приорств ордена Св. Иоанна Иерусалимского, а также неканонических орденов иоаннитов в Пруссии, Англии и Испании с 1770-х гг. по конец XIX в. Издание проиллюстрировано значительным числом исторических портретов, фотографий мундиров и элементов орденской экипировки.

6980 Руб.

Асварищ Михаил Б. Мальтийский мундир в России и Европе: XVIII–XIX вв. / Maltese Uniforms in Russia and Europe in the 18TH and 19TH Centuries

Асварищ Михаил Б. Мальтийский мундир в России и Европе: XVIII–XIX вв. / Maltese Uniforms in Russia and Europe in the 18TH and 19TH Centuries


Монография посвящена истории орденского платья двух российских приорств ордена Св. Иоанна Иерусалимского (1797–1810), а также бытованию мальтийского мундира в Российской империи после 1810 г. На основании архивных документов, портретов, сохранившихся мундиров впервые в историографии детально прослеживаются многочисленные изменения, вносившиеся Павлом I и Александром I в платье, назначенное различным орденским чинам.В книге дан пространный обзор мальтийских мундиров различных языков и приорств ордена Св. Иоанна Иерусалимского, а также неканонических орденов иоаннитов в Пруссии, Англии и Испании с 1770-х гг. по конец XIX в.Издание проиллюстрировано значительным числом исторических портретов, фотографий мундиров и элементов орденской экипировки.

6980 Руб.

The Empire's New Clothes. A History of the Russian Fashion Industry, 1700-1917

The Empire's New Clothes. A History of the Russian Fashion Industry, 1700-1917


In 1701 Tsar Peter the Great decreed that all residents of Moscow must abandon their traditional dress and wear European fashion. Those who produced or sold Russian clothing would face “dreadful punishment.” Peter’s dress decree, part of his drive to make Russia more like Western Europe, had a profound impact on the history of Imperial Russia. This engrossing book explores the impact of Westernization on Russia in the 18th and 19th centuries and presents a wealth of photographs of ordinary Russians in all their finery. Christine Ruane draws on memoirs, mail-order catalogues, fashion magazines, and other period sources to demonstrate that Russia’s adoption of Western fashion had symbolic, economic, and social ramifications and was inseparably linked to the development of capitalism, industrial production, and new forms of communication. This book shows how the fashion industry became a forum through which Russians debated and formulated a new national identity.

7342 Руб.

Асварищ Михаил Борисович Мальтийский мундир в России и Европе. XVIII–XIX вв.

Асварищ Михаил Борисович Мальтийский мундир в России и Европе. XVIII–XIX вв.


Монография посвящена истории орденского платья двух российских приорств ордена Св. Иоанна Иерусалимского (1797–1810), а также бытованию мальтийского мундира в Российской империи после 1810 г. На основании архивных документов, портретов, сохранившихся мундиров впервые в историографии детально прослеживаются многочисленные изменения, вносившиеся Павлом I и Александром I в платье, назначенное различным орденским чинам. В книге дан пространный обзор мальтийских мундиров различных языков и приорств ордена Св. Иоанна Иерусалимского, а также неканонических орденов иоаннитов в Пруссии, Англии и Испании с 1770-х гг. по конец XIX в. Издание проиллюстрировано значительным числом исторических портретов, фотографий мундиров и элементов орденской экипировки.

4456 Руб.

Моисеенко Е. Ю. Russian National Costume. A colouring book

Моисеенко Е. Ю. Russian National Costume. A colouring book


Книга для раскрашивания. Полностью на английском языке. A colouring book including descriptions of the clothing traditionally worn by the inhabitants of Russia's northern, central and southern provinces and the wonderfully beautiful articles that were made in peasant homes without electricity or any other modern technology in the 18th and 19th centuries.

452 Руб.

Moiseyenko Y. Russian national costume. A colouring book

Moiseyenko Y. Russian national costume. A colouring book


Книга для раскрашивания. Полностью на английском языке. A colouring book including descriptions of the clothing traditionally worn by the inhabitants of Russia's northern, central and southern provinces and the wonderfully beautiful articles that were made in peasant homes without electricity or any other modern technology in the 18th and 19th centuries.

344 Руб.

Moiseyenko Y. Russian national costume. A colouring book

Moiseyenko Y. Russian national costume. A colouring book


Книга для раскрашивания. Полностью на английском языке. A colouring book including descriptions of the clothing traditionally worn by the inhabitants of Russia's northern, central and southern provinces and the wonderfully beautiful articles that were made in peasant homes without electricity or any other modern technology in the 18th and 19th centuries.

344 Руб.

Лифлянд Л. И., Петров Ю. А. Век акций, рент и облигаций

Лифлянд Л. И., Петров Ю. А. Век акций, рент и облигаций


A Century of Stocks and Bonds: The Secrets of Imperial Russia The book is devoted to the history of Russian securities in the 18th-early 20th centuries, the time when the Russian stock market was taking shape in the Russian Empire. The Russian poet Alexander Block called the 19th century "the age of shares, rents and bonds". And he was right: during this period securities actually became part of the daily life of the majority of Russia's population. The present publication examines the history of the formation of the securities market from the first issues of government bonds at the turn of the 18th century to the year 1917, reveals its dynamics and structure, describes the corresponding legal base and state regulation, points to the main figures engaged in operations with securities (the State and private companies), shows the mechanism of emission and its participants (stock exchanges, brokers, etc.), and illustrates the distribution of Russian securities on European stock exchanges. Also, the book characterizes the most important issuers of pre-revolutionary Russia, such as railroad societies, commercial and mortgage banks, insurance companies, and commercial and industrial firms,which operated in the main branches of industry (extraction of gold and oil, metallurgy, textile and food production, transportation business, etc.). The book is intended for those who are interested in the history of Russia. Тканевый переплет, футляр Язык издания: английский Мелованная бумага, цветные иллюстрации Век акций, рент и облигаций. Ценные бумаги Российской империи Книга посвящена истории российских ценных бумаг XVIII - начала XX в., когда в Российской империи сложился фондовый рынок. "Веком акций, рент и облигаций" назвал XIX столетие русский поэт Александр Блок. Ценные бумаги в этот период действительно вошли в повседневную жизнь большой части населения страны. В издании представлена история формирования рынка ценных бумаг от первых выпусков облигаций государственного долга на рубеже XVIII-XIX вв. до 1917 г.: его динамика и структура, законодательная база и государственное регулирование, основные фигуранты операций с ценными бумагами (государство и частные компании), механизм эмиссии и его участники (фондовые биржи, маклеры и др.), распространение русских ценных бумаг на европейских фондовых рынках. В отраслевом аспекте отражены наиболее крупные эмитенты дореволюционной России, такие, как железнодорожные компании, коммерческие и ипотечные банки, страховые общества, торгово-промышленные фирмы основных отраслей (золото- и нефтедобыча, металлургия, текстильное и пищевое производство, транспортный бизнес и др.). Книга предназначена для всех интересующихся историей России. Мягкая обложка Язык издания: русский

8671 Руб.

Nozhova Ekaterina, Hassler Uta Networks of Construction. Vladimir Shukhov

Nozhova Ekaterina, Hassler Uta Networks of Construction. Vladimir Shukhov


The works of Vladimir G. Shukhov have been a topic of academic discourse in the West since the 1990s. Shukhov is now regarded as a pioneer of lightweight construction and as one of the leading proponents of Russian industrial design. However, some areas still require further investigation, including: The international networks that developed the prevailing construction materials and techniques used in Russia in the late techniques used in Russia in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Engineering training programs and the exchange of knowledge between Russia and Europe Questions concerning the evolution of theory and the exchange of knowledge including: The relationship between theory and practice; the exchange of ideas, materials and technology between the mechanical engineering and construction sectors; and the development of materials and contemporary theory on support structures. Historic calculation and planning methods, historic building and assembly processes. The proponents, conditions and peculiarities of industrialization that fostered the development of new types of support structures.

5807 Руб.

Eastoe Jane Hedgerow & Wildlife. A Guide to Animals and Plants of the Hedgerow

Eastoe Jane Hedgerow & Wildlife. A Guide to Animals and Plants of the Hedgerow


Hedgerows are one of the richest sources of wildlife in Britain. They have evolved over centuries (18th and 19th centuries predominantly but some date from pre-Roman times), and their importance is still vital today. Hedgerows are one of the richest sources of wildlife in Britain. They have evolved over centuries (18th and 19th centuries predominantly but some date from pre-Roman times), and their importance is still vital today. This book offers an insight into hedgerow wildlife: how they developed (and are managed by man), how to identify different types, and what plants, birds, insects and small mammals can be found inside. A mixed hedge may contain species such as elder, blackthorn, hawthorn, hazel, crab apple and field maple, is a refuge for wildlife: tortoiseshell and cabbage white butterflies; linnets, wrens, dunnocks, blackbirds and chaffinches; bank voles and badgers. The plant life is equally as rich: the rose, honeysuckle, primrose, garlic mustard and the hedge woundwort. This quintessential part of the English landscape can be enjoyed all the more with this little guide to the wildlife wonders inside the hedgerows.

1411 Руб.

Неверов Олег The Hermitage in 1 Hour: State Rooms: Masterpieces. Эрмитаж за 1 час. Парадные Залы. Шедевры Живоп.

Неверов Олег The Hermitage in 1 Hour: State Rooms: Masterpieces. Эрмитаж за 1 час. Парадные Залы. Шедевры Живоп.


If all the time you have available is one hour, that's fine. Specially for you we have worked out the best possible routes that will take you to the most famous works of culture and art in the collection of Russia's foremost museum. In the Hermitage in 1 Hour series we invite you to take a variety of themed tours, such as: The State Rooms and Masterpieces of European Painting (14th-18th Centuries); 19th and 20th-century Painting. The Impressionists and Post-Impressionists; The Art and Culture of the Ancient and Classical World; The Art of the East.

120 Руб.

Neverov Oleg The Hermitage in 1 hour. State Rooms. Masterpieces

Neverov Oleg The Hermitage in 1 hour. State Rooms. Masterpieces


If all the time you have available is one hour, that's fine. Specially for you we have worked out the best possible routes that will take you to the most famous works of culture and art in the collection of Russia's foremost museum. In the HERMITAGE IN ONE HOUR series we invite you to take a variety of themed tours, such as: - The State Rooms and Masterpieces of European Painting (14th-18th Centuries); - 19th- and 20th-century Painting. The Impressionists and Post-Impressionists; - The Art and Culture of the Ancient and Classical World; - The Art of the East.

345 Руб.

The Great Numismatic Collection on the Baltic. From coin collections of the sovereigns to national research institutions / Большая нумизматическая коллекция на Балтике. От коллекций монет суверенов до национальных исследовательских учреждений

The Great Numismatic Collection on the Baltic. From coin collections of the sovereigns to national research institutions / Большая нумизматическая коллекция на Балтике. От коллекций монет суверенов до национальных исследовательских учреждений


The history of the national numismatic collections of the old imperial or, at least, multinational capitals on the Baltic, Copenhagen, Stockholm and St.Petersburg, have a number of characteristics in common. They all grew from Royal collections formed in the 18th century, in some cases even in the 17th century, and they gradually integrated various aristocratic and bourgeois collections. Due to important social and economic changes in the Russian society, this development continued in St. Petersburg till the middle of the 20th century, while focus in both Copenhagen and Stockholm gradually was centred on finds and hoards from the native soil. In the 19th and especially the 20th century all three collections developed into important research institutions, the Stockholm collection being since the 1950's an international centre for the study of Viking Age coinage from Central Asia and Northern Europe. 0

1309 Руб.

The Great Numismatic Collection on the Baltic. From coin collections of the sovereigns to national research institutions / Большая нумизматическая коллекция на Балтике. От коллекций монет суверенов до национальных исследовательских учреждений

The Great Numismatic Collection on the Baltic. From coin collections of the sovereigns to national research institutions / Большая нумизматическая коллекция на Балтике. От коллекций монет суверенов до национальных исследовательских учреждений


The history of the national numismatic collections of the old imperial or, at least, multinational capitals on the Baltic, Copenhagen, Stockholm and St.Petersburg, have a number of characteristics in common. They all grew from Royal collections formed in the 18th century, in some cases even in the 17th century, and they gradually integrated various aristocratic and bourgeois collections. Due to important social and economic changes in the Russian society, this development continued in St. Petersburg till the middle of the 20th century, while focus in both Copenhagen and Stockholm gradually was centred on finds and hoards from the native soil. In the 19th and especially the 20th century all three collections developed into important research institutions, the Stockholm collection being since the 1950's an international centre for the study of Viking Age coinage from Central Asia and Northern Europe. 0

1309 Руб.

Hagen Rose-Marie, Hagen Rainer Francisco Goya. 1746-1828. On the Threshold of Modernity

Hagen Rose-Marie, Hagen Rainer Francisco Goya. 1746-1828. On the Threshold of Modernity


Francisco Josе de Goya y Lucientes, one of Spain's most revered and controversial painters, is known for his intense, chilling, and sometimes grotesque paintings depicting the injustice of society with brutal sincerity. A court painter to the Spanish crown, he captured, through his works, a snapshot of life in Spain in the late 18th and early 19th centuries. Coming at the tail end of the Old Masters period, Goya, with his audacious, subversie, and highly influential works, can be considered the first painter of the modern era. His influence can be seen in the works of artists as varied as Picasso and Francis Bacon.

1049 Руб.

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