faulkner william sanctuary

Faulkner William Sanctuary

Faulkner William Sanctuary


Spolit, feckless Temple Drake, the daughter of a judge, runs away from school with an unsuitable man. Abandoned by him with a gang of moonshiners, Temple falls into the clutches of the psychotic Popeye, one of the most grotesque characters of Faulkner's imagination. A compelling, shocking tale of perverted justice in the Deep South, Sanctuary is also a moving plea for courage in the darkest of circumstances.

2863 Руб.

Faulkner W. Sanctuary

Faulkner W. Sanctuary


Spolit, feckless Temple Drake, the daughter of a judge, runs away from school with an unsuitable man. Abandoned by him with a gang of moonshiners, Temple falls into the clutches of the psychotic Popeye, one of the most grotesque characters of Faulkner's imagination. A compelling, shocking tale of perverted justice in the Deep South, "Sanctuary" is also a moving plea for courage in the darkest of circumstances.

774 Руб.

Faulkner W. Sanctuary

Faulkner W. Sanctuary


Spolit, feckless Temple Drake, the daughter of a judge, runs away from school with an unsuitable man. Abandoned by him with a gang of moonshiners, Temple falls into the clutches of the psychotic Popeye, one of the most grotesque characters of Faulkner's imagination. A compelling, shocking tale of perverted justice in the Deep South, "Sanctuary" is also a moving plea for courage in the darkest of circumstances.

774 Руб.

Faulkner William Wild Palms

Faulkner William Wild Palms


'Between grief and nothing I will take grief' In New Orleans in 1937, a man and woman embark on a headlong flight into the wilderness of illicit passion, fleeing her husband and the temptations of respectability. In Mississippi ten years earlier, a convict sets forth across a flooded river, risking his one chance at freedom to rescue a pregnant woman. From these separate stories Faulkner composes a symphony of deliverance and damnation, survival and self-sacrifice, a novel in which elemental danger is juxtaposed with fatal injuries of the spirit.

3291 Руб.

Faulkner William Soldier's Pay

Faulkner William Soldier's Pay


Faulkner's first novel is a humane, searching and powerful exploration of war and mortality A group of soldiers travel by train across the United States in the aftermath of the First World War. One of them is horribly scarred, blind and almost entirely mute. Moved by his condition, a few civilian fellow travellers decided to see him home to Georgia, to a family who believed him dead, and a fiancee who grew tired of waiting. Faulkner's first novel deals powerfully with lives blighted by war.

3721 Руб.

Faulkner William Absalom, Absalom!

Faulkner William Absalom, Absalom!


This postbellum Greek tragedy is the perfect introduction to Faulkner’s elaborate descriptive syntax. Quentin Compson and Shreve, his Harvard roommate, are obsessed with the tragic rise and fall of Thomas Sutpen. As a poor white boy, Sutpen was turned away from a plantation owner's mansion by a black butler. From then on, he was determined to force his way into the upper echelons of Southern society. His relentless will ensures his ambitions are soon realised; land, marriage, children, his own troop to fight in the Civil War... but Sutpen returns from the conflict to find his estate in ruins and his family collapsing. Secrets from his own past threaten to ruin the lives of his children and destroy everything he has worked for.

2298 Руб.

Faulkner William The Unvanquished

Faulkner William The Unvanquished


In a series of episodes set during and after the American Civil War Faulkner profiles the people of the South - who might surrender but could never be vanquished. The characters are largely based on Faulkner's own family; in particular, Colonel John Sartoris is a fairly faithful portrait of the author's extraordinary great-grandfather - a notable personality who fought in Mexico, was tried for murder, raised a Confederate regiment, built a railway, ran a plantation, and published a bestseller.

3244 Руб.

Faulkner William Collected Stories

Faulkner William Collected Stories


This is a collection of the very best of William Faulkner’s short stories. Included are classics of short-form fiction such as ‘A Bear Hunt’, ‘A Rose for Emily’, ‘Two Soldiers’ and ‘The Brooch’. Faulkner’s ability to compress his epic vision into narratives of such grace and tragic intensity defines him as one of the finest and most original writers America has ever produced.

4755 Руб.

William Faulkner. Absalom, Absalom!

William Faulkner. Absalom, Absalom!

Пр-во: Республика

Absalom, Absalom! tells the story of Thomas Sutpen, the enigmatic stranger who came to Jefferson township in the early 1830s. With a French architect and a band of wild Haitians, he wrung a fabulous plantation out of the muddy bottoms of the north Mississippi wilderness. Sutpen was a man, Faulkner said, "who wanted sons and the sons destroyed him". His tragedy left its impress not only on his contemporaries but also on men who came after, men like Quentin Compson, haunted even into the 20th century by Sutpen's legacy of ruthlessness and singleminded disregard for the human community.

750 Руб.

Faulkner William Absalom, Absalom!

Faulkner William Absalom, Absalom!


In neuer Ubersetzung von Nikolaus Stingl: «Absalom, Absalom», der vielleicht beruhmteste und beste Roman aus dem Faulkner'schen Mythos des Yoknapatawpha Cunty in Mississippi. Aus der biblischen Geschichte von Absalom, in die Zeit des amerikanischen Burgerkriegs versetzt, wird die Geschichte der Sutpens erzahlt, die sich uber mehr als ein Jahrhundert erstreckt. Thomas Sutpen stammt aus einer armen wei?en Familie, heiratet auf Haiti die reiche Eulalia Bon und taucht 1833 plotzlich mit einem Haufen schwarzer Sklaven in Jefferson auf, wo er Land kauft, ein Herrenhaus errichtet, ein zweites Mal heiratet und gesellschaftliches Ansehen erwirbt. Er hat aus dieser Ehe zwei Kinder, Judith und Henry, aber er hat eben auch einen Sohn aus der ersten Ehe, Charles Bon, einen Studienfreund Henrys, der sich ahnungslos in Judith verliebt. Nach Ende des Burgerkriegs, der die Liebenden fur eine Weile trennt, kommt es zu einer fatalen Begegnung zwischen Charles und Henry, in deren Verlauf Henry seinen Halbbruder erschie?t – nicht etwa wegen des drohenden Inzests, sondern wegen des moglichen «Negerbluts» in den Adern von Charles. Henry flieht und lasst seinen Vater ohne mannlichen Erben zuruck, womit der Niedergang der Familie Sutpen besiegelt scheint ... All das kommt bruchstuckhaft vor die Augen des Lesers, mit gro?en Zeitsprungen und einer Erzahltechnik, die den amerikanischen Roman revolutioniert und zahlreiche Schriftsteller weltweit beeinflusst hat. Es geht um Schuld und Schuldgefuhle der Sklavenhaltergesellschaft, den unmoglichen Versuch, die Niederlage im Burgerkrieg als notwendig zu erkennen, die Macht des Geldes und die Verwustungen, die es anrichtet. Es ist ein phantastisches Zeitbild, heute so modern und aktuell wie damals.

2668 Руб.

Faulkner William Light in August

Faulkner William Light in August


Книга для чтения на английском языке. Уильям Катберт Фолкнер (1897-1962) знаменитый американский писатель, поэт. "Свет в августе" (1932) роман о поиске своего "я". В нем главный герой - мулат, и поэтому он не может найти свое место ни среди представителей черной расы, ни белой... В книге представлен неадаптированный текст на языке оригинала.

460 Руб.

Faulkner William Light In August

Faulkner William Light In August


A landmark in American fiction, Light in August explores Faulkner's central theme: the nature of evil. Joe Christmas - a man doomed, deracinated and alone - wanders the Deep South in search of an identity, and a place in society. After killing his perverted God-fearing lover, it becomes inevitable that he is pursued by a lynch-hungry mob. Yet after the sacrifice, there is new life, a determined ray of light in Faulkner's complex and tragic world.

3539 Руб.

Faulkner William Schall und Wahn

Faulkner William Schall und Wahn


Dieser Roman erzahlt die Geschichte der Familie Compson uber drei Jahrzehnte, beginnend mit Benjy, dem geistig behinderten Sohn des Hauses. Er kennt kein Gestern, Heute und Morgen, ist so auf ewig in der Gegenwart gefangen. Fur Quentin, den Altesten, bricht 1910 der letzte Tag in Harvard an. Er pruft sein geistiges Erbe, ordnet den sparlichen Nachlass und findet kaum Grunde, die ihn noch ans Leben binden. Und so fallt Jason, dem Jungsten, die Rolle des Familienvorstands zu – eine Rolle, die er kaum ausfullen kann. «Schall und Wahn»: ein ungeheuerlicher Familienroman voller Wut, Eigensinn und auch Humor. Ein Klassiker der Weltliteratur - neu ubersetzt und mit einem Nachwort versehen von Frank Heibert.

2668 Руб.

Faulkner William Intruder in the Dust

Faulkner William Intruder in the Dust


Set in the deep south that provided the backdrop for all of Faulkner's finest fiction, Intruder in the Dust is the novel that marks the final phase of its author's outstanding creative period. The chronicle of an elderly black farmer arrested for the murder of a white man and under threat from the lynch mob is a characteristically Faulknerian tale of dark omen, its sole ray of hope the character of the young white boy who repays an old favour by proving the innocence of the man who saved him from drowning in an icy creek.

2136 Руб.

Faulkner William As I Lay Dying

Faulkner William As I Lay Dying


In Faulkner's self-described tour de force, a family grants a dying woman her last wish. Addie Bundren will be buried in her hometown. As a storm rages and a simple journey becomes a grueling endeavor, the family reveal their true opinions toward their matriarch. Told from the viewpoints of every family member, Faulkner's epic odyssey exposes their private thoughts, their wants, and fears, and the jealousies and rivalries that lurk beneath the surface. As they endure a series of hardships in their efforts to bring a relative to her final resting place, the realities of Depression-era Mississippi are laid bare for all to see. Harrowing yet compelling, this book takes the reader on an unforgettable emotional journey. Today it is recognized as one of the most brilliant novels of the twentieth century.

1186 Руб.

Faulkner William The Sound & the Fury

Faulkner William The Sound & the Fury


The Sound and the Fury is the tragedy of the Compson family, featuring some of the most memorable characters in literature: beautiful, rebellious Caddy; the manchild Benjy; haunted, neurotic Quentin; Jason, the brutal cynic; and Dilsey, their black servant. Their lives fragmented and harrowed by history and legacy, the character's voices and actions mesh to create what is arguably Faulkner's masterpiece and one of the greatest novels of the twentieth century.

1186 Руб.

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