hanson dian blum sarah jane the art of pin up

Hanson Dian, Blum Sarah Jane The Art of Pin-up

Hanson Dian, Blum Sarah Jane The Art of Pin-up


Pin-up travels the long road from barracks wall to high art Since TASCHEN released The Great American Pin-up, international interest in this distinctly American art form has increased exponentially. Paintings by leading artists such as Alberto Vargas, George Petty, and Gil Elvgren that sold for $ 2,000 in 1996 are going for $ 200,000 and more today. Pin-up—drawings, paintings, and pastels of an idealized female face and figure intended for public display—was produced between 1920 and 1970 for calendars, magazine covers, and centerfolds. The majority of original paintings were discarded by publishers and calendar companies after printing, making the surviving art that much more precious. Based on the formidably sized Art of Pin-up, this accessible edition gathers nearly 100 artists alongside in-depth showcases of the top 10 names in the game. Each chapter opens with a reproduction of an original calendar or magazine cover by that artist. The reproduction quality of the paintings, pastels, and preparatory sketches that follow—largely sourced from the original art—invites the viewer to trace the brushstrokes, while the exquisite period calendars, vintage prints, and original model photos document the artists’ creative process. Much of these ephemera were photographed on-site at the historic Brown & Bigelow Company, home to the world’s largest archive of vintage pin-up calendars. In addition to the chapters on the 10 featured artists, the book includes bios and art of 85 painters, the most complete compendium of pin-up artists ever compiled. All this adds up to a hard-to-beat book on this popular subject.

14571 Руб.

Dian Hanson's History of Pin-up Magazines Vol. 1-3

Dian Hanson's History of Pin-up Magazines Vol. 1-3


Open your notebooks, sharpen your pencils, and get ready for a history lesson like none you've ever experienced. You're about to learn everything you could ever want to know about the world history of men's magazines-not magazines about sports, not fashion, not hunting or fishing or how to build a birdhouse in ten easy steps, but those titillating periodicals embracing the subject dearest to all heterosexual men's hearts and other body parts: the undraped female form. Editor Dian Hanson traces the fascinating development of the genre from 1900 to 1969 in three compact, informative volumes. In Volume 1 you'll learn about the first magazines that appeared around 1900 in France, Germany, and the U.S., and follow the development of the genre through the First and Second World Wars. Covered are men's magazines masquerading as movie magazines, humor magazines, art magazines, nudist magazines, and "spicy" fiction. Volume 2 documents the proliferation of pin-up magazines following World War II, most notably a little item called Playboy that debuted in December 1953 and spawned dozens of imitators. This volume also charts the emergence of English men's magazines, fetish magazines, and the top five covergirls of the 1950s. Volume 3 begins with an explosion of new American pin-up magazines following the loosening of U.S. obscenity laws, and continues with French titles in decline, England going pervy; nudists going hippy, and Germany going pervy, hippy and political.

3496 Руб.

Hanson Dian 365 days. Pin Up

Hanson Dian 365 days. Pin Up


For those of you whose datebooks have been replaced by smartphones, TASCHEN has created the new 365 Day-By-Day series so that you can still enjoy the warm analog feeling of marking every day with the turn of a page. Each day you'll discover a new image and a related quote - on special days you'll also learn the birthdays of iconic pin-up models - ensuring a constant source of inspiration right on your desktop. At the end of the year, just turn back to the beginning and start again!

2098 Руб.

Hargreaves Adam Doctor Who. Dr. Fourth

Hargreaves Adam Doctor Who. Dr. Fourth


The greatest mash-up in the entire Whoniverse is here! Doctor Who meets Roger Hargreaves' Mr Men in this new series of stories, written and illustrated by Adam Hargreaves. In Dr. Fourth, join the Fourth Doctor and Sarah Jane Smith on an amazing new adventure through time and space…

1283 Руб.

Hanson Dian Masterpieces of Fantasy Art

Hanson Dian Masterpieces of Fantasy Art


The wonders of fantasy art Fantasy art, that colorful blend of myth, muscle and sexy maidens, took off in 1923 with the launch of Weird Tales magazine, was reinvigorated in the 1960s with The Lord of the Rings, Conan the Barbarian paperbacks with Frank Frazetta covers, and the late ’60s emergence of fantasy psychedelia. It went big in the ’70s with the role-playing game Dungeons & Dragons, the brilliant French magazine Metal Hurlant, and the first Star Wars film. The number of active artists peaked in that decade, but a new generation of fans discovered the genre through fantasy trading card games in the ’90s, leading to a massive interest in the art form today. Frank Frazetta’s oil paintings—when they infrequently come to market—have sold for more than $ 5 million in recent years. Fans line up at Comic-Cons to meet Boris Vallejo, Rodney Matthews, Greg Hildebrandt, Michael Whelan, and Philippe Druillet, and memorialize dead icons HR Giger, Jeffrey Catherine Jones, and Frazetta. This book features original paintings, contextualized by preparatory sketches, sculptures, calendars, magazines, and paperback books, for an immersive dive into this dynamic, fanciful genre. Insightful bios go beyond Wikipedia to give a more accurate and eye-opening look into the life of each artist. This collection will reign as the most exquisite and informative guide to this popular subject for years to come. Языки издания: English, French, German

6078 Руб.

Sarah Symmons. Goya

Sarah Symmons. Goya

Пр-во: Республика

Sarah Symmons' fascinating account locates Goya in the context of his Spanish heritage, traces the immense influence of his work throughout Europe and considers the continued relevance of his art in the twentieth century. Drawings, oil paintings, frescos, tapestry designs and prints all convey the full range of Goya's work. Symmons draws on the most recent scholarship and on rediscovered works to create a comprehensive portrait of this complex artist that is perfectly up-to-date and highly absorbing.

3890 Руб.

Dee Christel Doctor Who. The Women Who Lived. Amazing Tales for Future Time Lords

Dee Christel Doctor Who. The Women Who Lived. Amazing Tales for Future Time Lords


Meet the women who run the Whoniverse. From Sarah Jane Smith to Bill Potts, from Susan Foreman to the Thirteenth Doctor, women are the beating heart of Doctor Who. Whether they’re facing down Daleks or thwarting a Nestene invasion, these women don’t hang around waiting to be rescued – they roll their sleeves up and get stuck in. Scientists and soldiers, queens and canteen workers, they don’t let anything hold them back. Featuring historical women such as Agatha Christie and Queen Victoria alongside fan favourites like Rose Tyler and Missy, The Women Who Lived tells the stories of women throughout space and time. Beautifully illustrated by a team of all-female artists, this collection of inspirational tales celebrates the power of women to change the universe.

4055 Руб.

Hulke Malcolm Doctor Who and the Dinosaur Invasion

Hulke Malcolm Doctor Who and the Dinosaur Invasion


The Doctor and Sarah arrive in London to find it deserted. The city has been evacuated as prehistoric monsters appear in the streets. While the Doctor works to discover who or what is bringing the dinosaurs to London, Sarah finds herself trapped on a spaceship that left Earth months ago travelling to a new world… Against the odds, the Doctor manages to trace the source of the dinosaurs. But will he and the Brigadier be in time to unmask the villains before Operation Golden Age changes the history of planet Earth and wipes out the whole of human civilisation? This novel is based on a Doctor Who story which was originally broadcast from 12 January–16 February 1974. Featuring the Third Doctor as played by Jon Pertwee with his companion Sarah Jane Smith and UNIT

2623 Руб.

Richards Justin, Donaghy Craig Doctor Who. A Short History of Everyone

Richards Justin, Donaghy Craig Doctor Who. A Short History of Everyone


An incredible bind-up of three stunning Doctor Who guides, with brand-new content from the Thirteenth Doctor era For over forty years, the Doctor has battled against the monsters and villains of the universe. This book brings together the best - and the worst - of his enemies, companions, and fellow Time Lords. Why are the Daleks so deadly? What did Sarah Jane Smith do after she left the Doctor? Who exactly is the Master? And how did the Doctor defeat every threat, with a little help from some friends and a lot of luck. Whether you read it on or behind the sofa, this book provides a wealth of information about the monsters and villains that have made Doctor Who the tremendous success it has been over the years, and the galactic phenomenon that it is today.

5141 Руб.

Dian Hanson. The Fantastic Worlds of Frank Frazetta XXL

Dian Hanson. The Fantastic Worlds of Frank Frazetta XXL

Пр-во: Республика

Фрэнк Фразетта наконец-то получил большую красивую книгу, которую он заслуживает.Фрэнк Фразетта правил как бесспорный король фэнтези-искусства на протяжении 50 лет, и его слава только росла за 12 лет после его смерти. Поскольку его картины сейчас бьют аукционные рекорды («Царица Египта» была продана за 5,4 миллиона долларов в 2019 году), ему давно пора написать эту выдающуюся монографию.Фразетта родилась в семье сицилийских иммигрантов в Бруклине в 1928 году. Она была спортсменкой низшей лиги, мелким преступником и серийным соблазнителем с внешностью кинозвезды и феноменальным талантом. Он утверждал, что занимается искусством только тогда, когда ему нечего было делать – он предпочитал играть в бейсбол – но свою профессиональную карьеру в комиксах начал в 16 лет. Работа со стриптиза привела его в печально известный EC Comics, а затем к масляным краскам для обложек Тарзана и Конана. Оба персонажа интерпретировались многими до него, но, как он объяснил в 1970-х годах: «У меня очень физический склад ума. В Бруклине я знал Конана, я знал таких же парней, как он», и он использовал свои непосредственные знания о мускулах и мачо, чтобы по-новому определить фэнтезийных героев как более массивных, более угрожающих, более наполненных тестостероном, чем все, что видели раньше. В качестве противовеса он создал новую породу женщин, обнаженных, насколько позволяла цензура, с пикси-лицами и повторнородящими телами: толстые бедра, тяжелые ягодицы, выступающие вперед груди, но все же, с их мягкими животами и намеками на целлюлит, правдоподобно реальными. Добавьте к этому действие, существ, сумеречные миры преследующих теней, и искусство Фразетты затягивает, как картофельные чипсы.Эта монография является наиболее полной из когда-либо созданных о художнике и написана в сотрудничестве с семьей Фразетта. Он получил премию Эйснера 2023 года за лучшую архивную коллекцию.Frank Frazetta finally gets the big beautiful book he deserves.Frank Frazetta has reigned as the undisputed king of fantasy art for 50 years, his fame only growing in the 12 years since his death. With his paintings now breaking auction records (Egyptian Queen sold for $ 5.4 million in 2019) he’s long overdue for this ultimate monograph.Born to a Sicilian immigrant family in Brooklyn, 1928, Frazetta was a minor league athlete, petty criminal and serial seducer with movie star looks and phenomenal talent. He claimed to only make art when there was nothing better to do – he preferred playing baseball - yet began his professional career in comics at age 16. Strip work led him to the infamous EC Comics, then to oils for Tarzan and Conan pulp covers. Both characters were interpreted by many before him, but as he explained in the 1970s, “I’m very physical minded. In Brooklyn, I knew Conan, I knew guys just like him,” and he used this first-hand knowledge of muscle and macho to redefine fantasy heroes as more massive, more menacing, more testosterone-fueled than anything seen before. As counterbalance he...

23350 Руб.

Dian Hanson. The Fantastic Worlds of Frank Frazetta XXL

Dian Hanson. The Fantastic Worlds of Frank Frazetta XXL

Пр-во: Taschen

Фрэнк Фразетта наконец-то получил большую красивую книгу, которую он заслуживает. Фрэнк Фразетта правил как бесспорный король фэнтези-искусства на протяжении 50 лет, и его слава только росла за 12 лет после его смерти. Поскольку его картины сейчас бьют аукционные рекорды («Царица Египта» была продана за 5,4 миллиона долларов в 2019 году), ему давно пора написать эту выдающуюся монографию. Фразетта родилась в семье сицилийских иммигрантов в Бруклине в 1928 году. Она была спортсменкой низшей лиги, мелким преступником и серийным соблазнителем с внешностью кинозвезды и феноменальным талантом. Он утверждал, что занимается искусством только тогда, когда ему нечего было делать – он предпочитал играть в бейсбол – но свою профессиональную карьеру в комиксах начал в 16 лет. Работа со стриптиза привела его в печально известный EC Comics, а затем к масляным краскам для обложек Тарзана и Конана. Оба персонажа интерпретировались многими до него, но, как он объяснил в 1970-х годах: «У меня очень физический склад ума. В Бруклине я знал Конана, я знал таких же парней, как он», и он использовал свои непосредственные знания о мускулах и мачо, чтобы по-новому определить фэнтезийных героев как более массивных, более угрожающих, более наполненных тестостероном, чем все, что видели раньше. В качестве противовеса он создал новую породу женщин, обнаженных, насколько позволяла цензура, с пикси-лицами и повторнородящими телами: толстые бедра, тяжелые ягодицы, выступающие вперед груди, но все же, с их мягкими животами и намеками на целлюлит, правдоподобно реальными. Добавьте к этому действие, существ, сумеречные миры преследующих теней, и искусство Фразетты затягивает, как картофельные чипсы. Эта монография является наиболее полной из когда-либо созданных о художнике и написана в сотрудничестве с семьей Фразетта. Он получил премию Эйснера 2023 года за лучшую архивную коллекцию. Frank Frazetta finally gets the big beautiful book he deserves.Frank Frazetta has reigned as the undisputed king of fantasy art for 50 years, his fame only growing in the 12 years since his death. With his paintings now breaking auction records (Egyptian Queen sold for $ 5.4 million in 2019) he’s long overdue for this ultimate monograph.Born to a Sicilian immigrant family in Brooklyn, 1928, Frazetta was a minor league athlete, petty criminal and serial seducer with movie star looks and phenomenal talent. He claimed to only make art when there was nothing better to do – he preferred playing baseball - yet began his professional career in comics at age 16. Strip work led him to the infamous EC Comics, then to oils for Tarzan and Conan pulp covers. Both characters were interpreted by many before him, but as he explained in the 1970s, “I’m very physical minded. In Brooklyn, I knew Conan, I knew guys just like him,” and he used this first-hand knowledge of muscle and macho to redefine fantasy heroes as more massive, more menacing, more testosterone-fueled than anything seen before. As counterbalance he.

20373 Руб.

Richardson S. Collected. City + Country. Volume 1

Richardson S. Collected. City + Country. Volume 1


Cut through the clutter with a compilation of HGTV star and award-winning designer Sarah Richardson’s favourite places and things, all following up on the bestselling success of Sarah Style and At Home: Sarah Style. Collected by Sarah Richardson is a new series of books that contains an ever-changing mood board of favourite things-from interior and exterior spaces to products, places, and creative people. Packed with never-before-seen photos, every page is filled with Sarah’s trademark warmth, humour, and get-it-done advice. "Whether you’re tackling a ground-up build, a gut renovation, or simply looking to make the most of a weekend DIY," she says, "these pages and guidance from our experts will inspire, excite, and inform your design adventures." In "City + Country," the debut volume, Sarah celebrates the best of both beloved styles. Wide-open spaces and fresh-air farmhouses find a home alongside jewel box-like urban abodes and crave-worthy new getaways, ensuring that there’s something inside for every design lover and delivering an aspirational design book that captures the looks that are unique to Sarah. For readers who want to get behind the scenes of Sarah’s life or apply her style to their own living spaces, every issue of Collected is a must-have read and a keepsake well worth collecting.

1458 Руб.

Richardson S. Collected. City + Country. Volume 1

Richardson S. Collected. City + Country. Volume 1


Cut through the clutter with a compilation of HGTV star and award-winning designer Sarah Richardson’s favourite places and things, all following up on the bestselling success of Sarah Style and At Home: Sarah Style. Collected by Sarah Richardson is a new series of books that contains an ever-changing mood board of favourite things-from interior and exterior spaces to products, places, and creative people. Packed with never-before-seen photos, every page is filled with Sarah’s trademark warmth, humour, and get-it-done advice. "Whether you’re tackling a ground-up build, a gut renovation, or simply looking to make the most of a weekend DIY," she says, "these pages and guidance from our experts will inspire, excite, and inform your design adventures." In "City + Country," the debut volume, Sarah celebrates the best of both beloved styles. Wide-open spaces and fresh-air farmhouses find a home alongside jewel box-like urban abodes and crave-worthy new getaways, ensuring that there’s something inside for every design lover and delivering an aspirational design book that captures the looks that are unique to Sarah. For readers who want to get behind the scenes of Sarah’s life or apply her style to their own living spaces, every issue of Collected is a must-have read and a keepsake well worth collecting.

1458 Руб.

Universal Waite Tarot Deck and Book Set

Universal Waite Tarot Deck and Book Set


The iconic drawings of Pamela Colman Smith have been beautifully re-colored by artist Mary Hanson-Roberts. The original meanings and rich symbolism of the Rider-Waite artwork come though with greater clarity and fresh, new details. The enhanced imagery make the Universal Waite Tarot deck more accessible to newcomers and more appealing to seasoned tarot readers. Hanson-Roberts’ serene colors also make the Universal Waite deck as perfect for meditation as it is for divination. This deck/book set includes a 78-card Universal Waite Tarot deck, a spread sheet, and the Pictorial Key to the Tarot, by Arthur Edward Waite. Book contents include: The Veil and its Symbols; The Doctrine Behind the Veil; The Outer Method of the Oracles, The Greater Arcana and their Divinatory Meanings, and The Art of Tarot Divination.

3699 Руб.

Universal Waite Tarot Deck and Book Set

Universal Waite Tarot Deck and Book Set


The iconic drawings of Pamela Colman Smith have been beautifully re-colored by artist Mary Hanson-Roberts. The original meanings and rich symbolism of the Rider-Waite artwork come though with greater clarity and fresh, new details. The enhanced imagery make the Universal Waite Tarot deck more accessible to newcomers and more appealing to seasoned tarot readers. Hanson-Roberts’ serene colors also make the Universal Waite deck as perfect for meditation as it is for divination. This deck/book set includes a 78-card Universal Waite Tarot deck, a spread sheet, and the Pictorial Key to the Tarot, by Arthur Edward Waite. Book contents include: The Veil and its Symbols; The Doctrine Behind the Veil; The Outer Method of the Oracles, The Greater Arcana and their Divinatory Meanings, and The Art of Tarot Divination.

3699 Руб.

McCormack Catherine Women in the Picture. Women, Art and the Power of Looking

McCormack Catherine Women in the Picture. Women, Art and the Power of Looking


A bold reconsideration of women in art - from the 'Old Masters' to the posts of Instagram influencers. A perfect pin-up, a damsel in distress, a saintly mother, a femme fatale… Women's identity has long been stifled by a limited set of archetypes, found everywhere in pictures from art history's classics to advertising, while women artists have been overlooked and held back from shaping more empowering roles. In this impassioned book, art historian Catherine McCormack asks us to look again at what these images have told us to value, opening up our most loved images - from those of Titian and Botticelli to Picasso and the Pre-Raphaelites. She also shows us how women artists - from Berthe Morisot to Beyonce, Judy Chicago to Kara Walker - have offered us new ways of thinking about women's identity, sexuality, race and power. Women in the Picture gives us new ways of seeing the art of the past and the familiar images of today so that we might free women from these restrictive roles and embrace the breadth of women's vision.

3182 Руб.

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